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Explore the rich tradition of bagpiping across the United States on this page.
Whether you’re looking for a skilled bagpiper for your event, seeking a local band to join, or interested in learning the art yourself, you’ll find resources and contacts organized by state.
Upcoming Events in the United States
United States
- Calhoun
- Jefferson
- coconino
- maricopa
- pima
- Scottsdale
- Washington
- los angeles
- marin county
- monterey county
- sacramento
- san diego
- san francisco
- santa clara county
- ventura county
- Denver
- Loveland
- fairfield county
- hartford county
- new haven
- Dover County
- New Castle County
- Capitol Hill
- Bay
- Brevard
- Collier
- Duval
- Hendry
- Hillsborough
- Lake
- Leon
- Orange
- Palm Beach
- Pinellas
- Sarasota
- St. Johns
- St. Lucie
- Chatham
- Fulton
- Honolulu
- Maui
- Ada
- Bonner
- Shoshone
- Cook
- DuPage
- Jackson
- Peoria
- Winnebago
- Fountain
- Grant
- Howard
- Lake
- Marion
- St. Joseph
- Tippecanoe
- Vanderburgh
- des moines
- Wyandotte
- Fayette
- Jefferson
- East Baton Rouge
- Lafayette
- Orleans
- St. Tammany
- Cumberland
- Hancock
- Kennebec
- York
- Baltimore
- Cecil
- Montgomery
- Barnstable
- Essex
- Hampden
- Middlesex
- Suffolk
- Worcester
- Genesee
- Ingham
- Midland
- Muskegon
- Oakland
- Washtenaw
- Wayne
- Hennepin
- Ramsey
- Hinds
- Lauderdale
- Phelps
- St. Louis
- Missoula
- Yellowstone
- Douglas
- Elko
- Hillsborough
- Bergen
- Camden
- Cape May
- Essex
- Hudson
- Hunterdon
- Mercer
- Middlesex
- Monmouth
- Morris
- Ocean
- Passaic
- Bernalillo
- Santa Fe
- Albany
- Allegany
- Bronx
- Broome
- Dutchess
- Erie
- Kings
- Monroe
- Nassau
- New York
- Oneida
- Onondaga
- Orange
- Queens
- Rockland
- Saratoga
- Schenectady
- St. Lawrence
- Suffolk
- Ulster
- Westchester
- Wyoming
- Avery
- Beaufort
- Buncombe
- Catawba
- Cumberland
- Durham
- Forsyth
- Guilford
- Mecklenburg
- Rockingham
- Union
- Wake
- Cuyahoga
- Franklin
- Hamilton
- Lorain
- Portage
- Summit
- Oklahoma
- Osage
- Benton
- Clackamas
- Jackson
- Multnomah
- Wallowa
- Washington
- Allegheny
- Bucks
- Chester
- Erie
- Lackawanna
- Lancaster
- Lebanon
- Lehigh
- Northampton
- Philadelphia
- Pike
- san juan
- Kent
- Newport
- Providence
- Charleston
- Greenville
- Richland
- Davidson
- Hamilton
- Knox
- Shelby
- Collin
- Denton
- Harris
- Jefferson
- Karnes
- McLennan
- Nueces
- Travis
- Davis
- Salt Lake
- Chittenden
- Washington
- Alexandria
- Fairfax
- Frederick
- Mathews
- King
- Pierce
- Calumet
- Dane
- Kenosha
- Milwaukee